I loved how popular yesterday's beach cottage was. It's such a lovely, simple home with everything in it either recycled, upcycled or locally sourced - plus they'd made the big move out of the city too. It just shows how much this lifestyle resonates with us all, don't you think?! I've got ano...

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I'm feeling all relaxed and inspired working from Djäkne, a café and communal workspace in town. It's amazing what a change of scene can do, don't you think? I stumbled across this lovely boho coastal cottage over at Apartment Therapy and it immediately matched today's mood! Situated in Victor...

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Well hello there! It's a beautiful sunny day here in Malmö - woohoo! (It isn't lost on me that some of you lucky people get sun everyday, but here it's a wonderful, rare thing!). Which reminds me, if you have questions about the weather or anything else Sweden related why don't you call the co...

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Hello! I hope you had a wonderful weekend?! Spring is officially here in Malmö - our boat was put back in the water, yay! Now for some sunshine (and downtime!).... . I thought I'd kick off the week with this lovely Swedish family home found over at Entrance Mäkleri. The open-plan space has bee...

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I was chatting to the owner of Miloii, a beautiful lifestyle shop here in Malmö, Southern Sweden earlier this week and she let slip that her home had recently been captured by Andrea Papini and Emma Persson Lagerberg. Naturally I shot home to scour the net, and as predicted, Karolina Vertus (w...

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Swedish space with a dreamy bedroom!

A Swedish space with a dreamy bedroom!

sho fia -  

I loved how popular yesterday's beach cottage was. It's such a lovely, simple home with everything in it either recycled, upcycled or locally sourced - plus they'd made the big move out of the city too. It...

Category: articles

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A super relaxed, boho cottage in Australia

A super relaxed, boho cottage in Australia

sho fia -  

I'm feeling all relaxed and inspired working from Djäkne, a café and communal workspace in town. It's amazing what a change of scene can do, don't you think? I stumbled across this lovely boho coastal cottage over...

Category: articles

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Monochrome touches in a Stockholm pad

Monochrome touches in a Stockholm pad

sho fia -  

Well hello there! It's a beautiful sunny day here in Malmö - woohoo! (It isn't lost on me that some of you lucky people get sun everyday, but here it's a wonderful, rare thing!). Which reminds me,...

Category: articles

Monday, April 11, 2016

A serene Swedish home in muted green and grey

A serene Swedish home in muted green and grey

sho fia -  

Hello! I hope you had a wonderful weekend?! Spring is officially here in Malmö - our boat was put back in the water, yay! Now for some sunshine (and downtime!).... . I thought I'd kick off the...

Category: articles

Friday, April 8, 2016

A Swedish pad with a mix of boho vintage and modern

A Swedish pad with a mix of boho vintage and modern

sho fia -  

I was chatting to the owner of Miloii, a beautiful lifestyle shop here in Malmö, Southern Sweden earlier this week and she let slip that her home had recently been captured by Andrea Papini and Emma Persson...

Category: articles

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Boho interior inspiration with sustainable living tips and tricks

Boho interior inspiration with sustainable living tips and tricks

sho fia -  

While yesterday's interior inspiration was about keeping it simple, today's is about keeping it real. And IKEA's new book Kinder Homes is absolutely crammed with inspiring, creative tips, tricks and ideas on how to do this. From...

Category: articles
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